Jatropha - Bio Energy Crop > 자유게시판

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Jatropha - Bio Energy Crop

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작성자 Malissa 댓글 0건 조회 3회 작성일 25-01-12 21:30


Jatropha is the plant with numerous possible benefits. As the fossil fuels are decreasing rapidly and the co2 emission given off from it contaminates the environment, the world is working towards an alternative fuel to conquer it.


The Jatropha curcas is the plant which can grow in semi arid area, little care suffices for its growth. It grows both in topical and sub tropical area. The jatropha seed consists of 35 percent oil content in it. The oil from jatropha can be utilized as biodiesel blend approximately 20% without refining. The oil burns with clear smoke-free flame, and was tested effectively as a fuel for easy diesel motor. It is not a food crop because the oil is non-edible. The oil is utilized as a conventional medication disinfectant and to treat diseases like cancer, piles, snakebite, paralysis dropsy etc. The seed oil is likewise utilized for lighting and in soap preparation. It is rarely utilized as a live fence in avoiding crops from livestock and it sometimes used as property demarcation. It minimizes the soil disintegration.


The optimum growing conditions for the Jatropha plant varies from 1000 to1500 mm annual rainfall, with temperature levels of 20 to 28 C. The soil should be totally free draining with no water logging. But adequate water and nutrition is a must for high yield. The jatropha is easy to grow and it can bear the seeds within a year of planting. It provides oxygen for the planet and it can grow even in bad soil. It can not endure frost.


The Jatropha Electrification is developing in lots of countries. Mali is considered to be one of the poorest countries in the world. At Mali, Garalo Jatropha Producers' Cooperative (CPP) and the power company ACCESS are the main organizations developing jatropha growing. The private power business ACCESS is produces and does electricity sales. Currently 247 households are connected to the micro grid after a payment of $30 as a contribution to the connection costs. Likewise in India, the Rural Electricity Supply Technology (REST) objective of the of Power (MOP) planning to produce power for all by 2012. The small scale power generation jobs were developed in Chattisgarh, India. It is being run by Winrock International in the Kabir Dham district. This little power system offers 24-hour power supply at the very cost effective rate of 50 cents per light bulb to bad villagers. It is 17.5 KW capability power plant works on raw jatropha seed oil.Jatropha is a promising crop for rural advancement. The jatropha oil lights up rural areas with electrical energy. The jatropha planting on the wastelands has the ability to offer 50-60% of the India's fuel requirements.

The Jatropha curcas plantation in 1 hectare decreases 20 loads of co2 each year. The largest jatropha producing nation in Asia will be Indonesia and India. In Africa, Ghana and Madagascar will be the largest producers. Brazil will be the largest producer in Latin America. The plantation is a labor intensive process hence it develops task for numerous poor rural individuals. Above all Jatropha can be utilized as a Renewable resource.


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